What is difference between criminal and civil law?
ACivil law deals with the disputes between individuals, organizations, or between the two, in which compensation is awarded to the victim. Criminal law is the body of law that deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses. Burden of proof: ... One must produce evidence beyond the balance of probabilities.
What is family law in India?
AThe matrimonial laws in India, including laws on marriage, divorce and other connected issues, are essentially governed by the personal laws of the parties depending on their religion, which are codified by statute in most cases: Hindu: Hindu Marriage Act 1955.
What comes under corporate law?
ACorporate Law includes the rules, practices and regulations that govern the formation as well as the operation of corporate firms. Thus, in simple words, Corporate Laws deal with forming, owning, operating and managing of a corporation.
What is the meaning of criminal responsibility?
ACriminal responsibility is the determination of whether someone is sane enough to be convicted for a crime. It is sometimes called the insanity defense. If a person is deemed insane, they will not face the same repercussions as a person who is deemed sane. When people do not have the mental capacity to take responsibility for illegal actions, it is unjust to punish them as if they did. For example, if someone has a brain injury that impairs their ability to control their impulses, they may be able to use the insanity defense in their court case.